Acupuncture is one of the first line treatments of migraines, whether acute or chronic. Migraines tend to occur on the first day of vacation, after a relaxing dinner, or after sleeping in on a Sunday morning. On rainy days, or being exposed to low air pressure as on the airline, or climbing a mountain, the body goes into the parasympathetic state. When the air pressure is high, the body shifts to the sympathetic dominant state.

Most migraines are one-sided, and are associated with some nausea, vomiting, and visual problems. 20% of women and 6% of men suffer from migraines. When vascular problems cause migraines, pain is throbbing or pulsating. Often just before the onset of a migraine, tiny little flashes of light are seen for several minutes before the attack. Sudden light and noise, can precipitate a migraine. Sinusitis, allergies, dental problems, head injury, or brain tumors can cause headaches. These are called secondary headaches.

Tension headaches
Migraines and cluster headaches that have no known cause are labeled “primary headaches.” They create a dull pressure type pain on both sides of the head, last a half hour to seven days, have no nausea or vomiting,and usually does limit your function. .Under constant stress, your ANS is suppressed.(This is a part of your nervous system that acts involuntarily). The upper back becomes stiff, heaviness is felt behind the eyes, and anxiety, irritability, bowel problems and palpitations occur..

Stress headaches, on the contrary, activate the sympathetic nervous system, Constant stress,closes the circulation to the internal organs and vessels of the head. As a defense mechanism to prevent blood deprivation, receptors wrapped around the blood vessels,undergo a rebound opening, causing migraines.
The pain is often throbbing because every time the heart pumps blood into the artery, the artery expands. When the heart rests, the artery again closes down aggravating the pain.Because the body lacks oxygen, the internal organs and brain, to send nutrients, go into an emergency state., causng a rebound that slows down the heart rate..

migraines tend to occur on the first day of vacation, after a relaxing dinner, or after sleeping in on a Sunday morning. On rainy days, or being exposed to low air pressure as on the airline, or climbing a mountain, the body goes into the parasympathetic state. When the air pressure is high, the body shifts to the sympathetic dominant state.

Natural remedies can REDUCE symptoms
Remedies, as CoQ10, 300 mg daily and riboflavin, 400 mg daily, help the brain manufacture energy more efficiently and help enhance metabolism. During an attack, taking 1000 mg aspirin helps half the people. Aspirin reduces the nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and phonophobia . Applying pressure to the painful areas of the head and eyes, are wrapping the head with cold or heat, can reduce the brains relate pain signals during a migraine, causing relaxation.
Acupuncture a five star treatment
Acupuncture is one of the first line treatments of migraines, whether acute or chronic. It restores the balance of blood flow decreasing the migraine symptoms. Hand acupuncture, (Korean),increases the amount of blood flow that goes to the common carotid and the anterior posterior circulation. Pet scans and MRIs show the improved brain circulation during acupuncture. . Reducing the tension found in the neck and upper back instantaneously increase blood flow in to tight muscles.

While exhaling and sitting, To balance the autonomic nervous system, acupuncture needles are inserted just under the skin and stimulated manually. . Points for this technique are on the forearms and lower legs.( The SES technique).The points on the body to treat migraines are located in various places such as along the legs, arms, shoulders and big toes.

Specific points of the Shaoyang meridian are the best choice.Since the migraine pain occurs because of the blood vessels dilating in the head, acupuncture points are selecteed on the arms and legs, rather than head and neck. If hormonal imbalance is suspected, gently burning medicinal herbs.attached to needles, over the skin (moxibustion), on the lower abdomen, low back, and sacral bone helps balance the female hormones.

By reducing the tension in the neck and upper back, more blood flows instantaneously to tight muscles. Sometimes a low frequency electrical current (1 Hz), is used to cause slow repetitive muscle twitching and enhance the blood flow in the muscles.

Alcohol-- A small amount of alcohol can help. Going outdoors in the cool air can reduce throbbing pain. Placing a warm towelsto the head and back of the neck can loosen tense muscles. Feverfew, (bachelor's button in the daisy family), reduces nausea and light sensitivity,workinng like “Motrin”. Peppermint- cools tense muscles. Add it to an oil and massage the head and neck.Passionflower- A calming tea herb, is a natural anti-inflammatory..
White willow barkworks,acts like aspirin, relieves pain. Yoga -- relaxes the nerves in the head and neck.
Dietary changes --Avoid aged cheeses, processed meats, soups, Eat magnesium-rich green leafy vegetables. and add peppermint, ginger, fish ,and calcium rich foods into your diet.Sex -actually reduces the pain, tension and stress of a migraine headache. It is a great way to totally relax the body, lift the spirits, enhance feelings of well being, and increase the blood flow to the brain.
Aromatherapy can reduce migraines by creating relaxing environment.

Migraine Medications -The list is numerous since none work too well, Pain relievers-- ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin and others) or acetaminophen such as Tylenol .
Triptans as Imitrex, Maxalt, Axert, Zomig, Frova, Amerge and Relpax. Relieve pain, nausea and sensitivity to light. They should not be used by people at risk for heart attacks and strokes.
Amitriptylines (Elavil, Laroxyl and Sarotex) are antidepressant medications taken at bedtime can improve sleep.
Opiates-are habit-forming should only be used as a last resort.
Vitamins - magnesium, calcium, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B5. Magnesium and calcium supplements should not be taken together, since calcium can block the body's ability to absorb magnesium.

CONCLUSON Acupuncture is one of the first line treatments of migraines, whether acute or chronic.

Migraines, a 2009 Cochrane review
Wu N.L and, Wu A.Q. eds Yellow Emperor's Canon Internal Medicine. China Science & Technology Press, Chap 62 pgs 740-741. 1997
11. Wu N.L and, Wu A.Q. eds Yellow Emperor's Canon Internal Medicine. China Science & Technology Press, Chap 21,40. 1997
March 2006 The Lancet Neurology.
January 9, 2012, i Canadian Medical Association Journal.
medical acupuncture November 2009/Park/Kim

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