Just because you are overweight does not mean you can’t be healthy and fit. Obesity doesn’t make you a health risk. All of us are different and we are on different points of an insurance chart.

As a nation we are heavier now than ever before. We are overheating and our sedentary lifestyle contributes a great deal to this weight gain epidemic. Currently over 70 million of us are on various weight loss diets. As we focus on our weight loss battle, we become less healthy.

Since 1990, we have all gained 1 pound each year. Over 45% of women and 30% of men are currently trying to lose weight. For those of you who have lost weight, one third will regain its within a year, and all of you will regain it within five years. Just because you lost weight and keep it off doesn’t mean that diet didn’t damage your health. (
NIH Technology Assessment Conference Panel, 1993)

Despite dieting, our waistlines continued to expand. Our efforts to limit calories have failed. Cutting calories and dieting actually has led to chronic weight fluctuation.
Most of us try to lose weight to look better. for you really are advised by a doctor to cut calories since losing weight will make us healthier. None of us want to have a heart attack.


One of the most popular weight-loss diet is the low-carb diet.popularized by Dr. Atkins, It was very popular during the 60s and middle 70, and regained popularity in the 90s with “ Dr. Atkins new diet Revolution” , Copy cat diets as: Protein Power, Sugar Busters! .Cut Sugar to Trim Fat, The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, The Lifelong Solution to Yo-Yo Dieting, and Suzanne Somers' Eat Great, Lose Weight are all popular. Atkins, called for two thirds of the calories from fat, the rest from protein. This has resulted in cholesterol loads three times the average, LDL rising19% from the normal 120 mg, and the good cholesterol, HDL, dropping 10%.

These diets calls for 50% of the calories from fat, and 48% from protein. Ypu lost 7 pounds in two weeks. Most of you became fatigued, had mild nausea and bad breath. Your cholesterol rose from an average of 215 to 248. (Most of us Americans have a cholesterol around 215). cholesterol.

Typical low carb diet

The diet typically includes eggs and bacon for breakfast, tunafish with mayonnaise for lunch, two hard-boiled eggs as a snack, and a big hunk of meat for dinner. You can eat as much meat, cheese, and dairy products you want, but avoid fruits, grains, and vegetables.
There is no need to count calories or portions. Just avoid the bad things like bread, pasta, apples, and pears

Diet analysis-- Carbs are broken down by the body into sugar, which is used immediately as energy i, or stored as glycogen in your liver and muscles, This glycogen goes back to sugar and provides half of your body’s energy needs for the day. We have about 1200 calories and carbs available at any moment. When you restrict the carbs, the glycogen stores become exhausted, the body sheds the stored water, and you are impressed with weight loss quickly. Once the glycogen is gone, the body uses fats as its source. However, fats are not as good an energy source as glycogen. The body does burn more fat (but overall less calories are burned). As the body burns fat, fat products (ketones) are created. As you stay on the diet added pounds come off. You are overjoyed.

But the weight loss, like water loss, is an illusion. Most of the loss is muscle, not fat, leaving you with a higher body fat percentage and less lean muscle. Then you crash: the sugar cravings kick in. The body wants to replace the missing glycogen and restore balance. You start eating ice cream, bread, and all the snacks you have missed. Once again, the body stores glycogen and water. You get on the scale and see you have gained 10 to 15 pounds. Your thoughts are “darn it, the carbs are to blame.” You now go back on the plan again, knowing it was the carbs. The vicious cycle begins again.

Body effects on starvation–binge diets
Hardening of the arteries does not occur slowly, but by sudden spurts in fat deposits. Your cholesterol level abruptly increases, andf your ratio of good to bad cholesterol drops. Staying just a couple weeks on a high cholesterol diet can cause more harm than several years of having your cholesterol at 215 ( a high level by today’s standards).

Dieting makes you want to binge on snack foods loaded with fat and sugar. Your longing for snacks may be in your nature or a biological component. The more dieting you, the longer the post-diet craving for fast and sugars lasts, especially if you have a track record of large weight fluctuations from your chronic dieting. Most dieters regain most of the weight they lost.

Food binging after dieting puts stress on your blood vessels causing a spurt of arteriosclerosis plaques with all its heart risks. Snack foods promote a gain of bad body fat, preventing proper food metabolism, and stressing the heart. Insulin resistance, and later type II diabetes, often result.

Glucose metabolism is impaired, cholesterol is elevated, and blood pressure becomes elevated. Chronic fluctuation in weight causes a permanent decreasing in HDL( 7%) The more weight loss, the greater the the drop in HDL. This HDL drop occurs despite your increased exercise. This drop in HDL is more powerful than the benefits of exercising.
(Journal of the American College of Cardiology Nov. 2000)

Is it really necessary to be thin to be healthy?
The health risks of obesity and the health benefits of losing weight have been overstated by the medical profession. Doctors tell you that “obesity kills”. It has been quoted in over 2000 news stories that: “obesity is responsible for 300,000 deaths every year”. There is very little evidence to substantiate the validity of these statistics.

A study in Texas has shown that obese men and women who exercise on a treadmill have the same death rates as lean and fit men and women: their death rates are one half of those of lean UNFIT men and women. This suggests that: “To reduce the risk of premature death. fitness is more important than being skinny “.
(1993, Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study. Dallas Texas)

Yet our sedentary life and snack diets contribute greatly to the problems of high blood pressure, cancer and heart disease. These deaths are due to other factors such as fitness, dieting, history of weight fluctuation, weight loss drugs, HGH, diet pills,land sedentary life style.

Lack of physical activity
is more important than excess body weight as a predictor of heart mortality. ( Behavioral risk factor surveillance system). All the excess heart disease mortality in men and women can be explained by lifetime weight fluctuations. ( Framingham heart study) Certainly, body weight is important to health and obesity is not entirely benign. but for those of us in the majority at the middle of the bell curve, weight is not as important as we were led to believe.

Most of us overweight Americans have tried extreme weight loss diets, unbalanced diets, weight loss drugs, and calorie restrictions. Our weights have significantly fluctuated. This fluctuation has resulted in elevated blood pressures, reduced HDL’s,, and depleted omega-3 reserves. All of these health problems can be corrected independently of weight loss.
Diet changes

The DASH clinical trial, (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), proves that simply changing your diet will lower yourblood pressure even without losing weight. You can reduce your blood pressures by 11/ 6 within two weeks, by eating more fruits and vegetables and eating less dairy products high in saturated fat, These reductions are comparable to tthe drop from your antihypertensive drugs.

After three weeks, your cholesterol will drop from 234 to 180, LTL will drop from 150 to 116, and your triglycerides will drop from 200 to 135. Witj this diet, over one third of people on antihypertensive medications found they were able to discontinue them. Type II diabetics also found they were able to stop the medication.(40% of those taking insulin, and 70% of those on oral hypoglycemic drugs).

A diet low in saturated fats and high in soy protein, fibers, almonds, and plants sterols reduced blood lipids and C- reactive protein as much as statin therapy. These changes occurred despite no reduction in weight.

Lifestyle changes

We must place more emphasis on a healthy lifestyle and less emphasis on our body weights.
Just changing one’s lifestyle, and losing 5 to 10 pounds, results in drops in cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides. These lifestyle changes are better than taking drugs.

Exercising and changing your diet is twice as effective as any drug therapy, and if you are diabetic, reduce your glucose intolerance. Increasing your physical activity and a change in diet has proven to be a more effective way to treat weight related health problems.

By focusing on enhancing your body appearance and accepting yourself, self acceptance you will lead a full life, regardless of your weight or whether you are successful in losing weight.

alone has significantly lowered blood pressure, reducesd blood lipid profiles, and improved lipoprotein profiles. Experts recommend 45 minutes to an hour of exercise for weight loss and fitness. The idea is to keep moving, and get your hour of exercise in segments.

Every exercise moment adds up. Exercising in 10 minute increments resulted in staying on the program. A study has shown that those who exercise in 10 minute increments are more likely to lose weight and twice as likely to stay on the program, then those who exercise in 20 minute segments. Exercising 10 minutes a day, for three weeks, increase your strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility to equal that of people 20 years younger.than you.( University of Virginia),

Inactive adults, who exercise in short bursts, improve their fitness and health as much as those who exercise for long intervals.( John Hopkins). Breaking up your exercise in small chunks is a better way to keep your confidence up (better than skipping exercising and becoming unmotivated). However, remember, to use short bursts of exercise as a supplement, not a replacement for your regular fitness. Making an effort each day keeps you motivated and results in success. (For cardio exercise, the key is to spend 10 minutes doing a high intensity exercise: for resistance training, keep the reps as close to maximum as possible.)

There is always someone that is “living proof” that the program or diet they were on really worked. Yet no commercial weight-loss program has ever published is “success rates”.
In fact, it wasn’t till 1993 that the first national weight control Registry (NWCR), was the first clinical study researching the long-term maintenance of weight loss. It has generated over 20 reports. Interestingly, the registry shows the success rate for maintaining weight loss it is -20%.

The weight loss message is:this “ exercise more and adopt a healthier diet”. Just going for a fast 30 minute walk each day is a good start. Add more fruits vegetables and fiber to your diet.
Don’t be complacent about being fat because there are some problems there would be resolved by losing weight, such as arthritis. Yet,It is much better to feel good about yourself, rather than feeling you have failed.

Generally, by exercising more and eating better, you will lose weight. How much? It is impossible to tell how much any one person will lose. You can’t take your body and burn it down to any shape or size you desire. Exercising. at most, will result in 5 to 10 pound weight loss,

Most weight-loss programs fail, because we judge a program of exercise and nutrition as unsuccessful if we have not lost 20 to 30 pounds. That is why. most of us start exercise programs and do not stay on the program This fitness failure is becoming as common as dieting faiure.

If you happen to be one of the few to lose an appreciable amount of weight, ensure success by having an acupuncture treatment to stabilize your weight loss. Your body biorhythms will be balanced, and your sugar cravings will be eliminated. 11.28.11

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