Everyone ages and we now are suffering longer now from degenerative diseases that cripple us.

Alternative medicine is here to stay. Millions of educated Americans are seeking alternative medical treatment.They are adding supplements and are abandoning prescribed medical treatments. Many question remain unsolved in patient health care, despite medicine's great progress

We are living longer because of advances in medical drugs, and Western Medical surgery, but most of us find we also are suffering longer now from degenerative diseases that cripple us.

We have not stopped arteries from clotting, and rarely have we prevented or cured cancer, arthritis, Parkinsonism, Alzheimer’s, Aids, emphysema, cataracts, kidney and liver failure and even the common migraine headache.

Most patients want to prevent diseases before they lead us to chronic disabilities. Unfortunately, may doctors are reluctant to accept new approaches to solve these problems. Many encourage patients to abandon treatments with previous good track records..

There is now a better understanding of alternative medicine and rational approaches are now being taken. Society has discovered new findings in the brain function and the immune system.

Alternative medicine is here to stay. In chronic pain treatment, many good treatments are now available as :hypnosis, meditation, prayer, special diets, and especially acupuncture. Teas are mentioned for insomnia as well as sleeping pills. Discussions about chelation, ginseng ginkgo biloba, and chondroitin, are taking place.

Even the NIH (the caretaker of western medicine) is spending 23 million dollars a year in research work on such alternative treatments. Insurance companies are now reimbursing policyholders for wellness plans and alternative medicines. Unfortunately ,acupuncture reimbursement has not yet occurred.

We must be flexible on choosing what is good and what is bad. Doctors say they are holistic: so was the country doctor 50 years ago. The mind and body go together. Prevention of disease is important. You the patient however must insist on it. Today’s specialists that treat only one organ, must begin to again consider the whole patient in their treatments.

We also must do our part in considering how we shall live and how the style of our living effects on our bodies. We must see the dangers of smoking and drinking and the effects of moods, stresses, foods we eat, and the lack of exercising on our bodies.

Different approaches are endorsed by some, and condemned by others. The question is: How do you get honest and true information?

There is a middle ground to all this that we all must try to seek it. We must sift out the garbage and find answers to our questions on disease treatments. Journals of western medicine never allow reports stating the results of alternative therapies snd rarely report on failed research.

Acupuncture has passed centuries of human experiences. Yet claims are made that it is not scientifically tested according to western protocol. Western medicine is always changing its mind. Many well received treatments of 10 years ago are now abandoned because they were found harmful.

It is claimed that many traditional doctors often make statements that are not based on sound hard evidence. These statements are based on belief instead of observed biochemical reactions in the body. H

Suppose you have local back pain and have had treatment with acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Vitamin E, antibiotics, massage, steroid injections, and perhaps even prayer. When your back pain is gone, what worked? It is hard to explain the mechanism of how these modalities worked.

We are bombarded by the media with medical treatments that
are useless and even dangerous. We certainly don’t want to lead you to false medical conclusions. Our goal is to help you discover :how to think not what to think “about your medical decisions.

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