Powerful acupuncture points found on the extremities. These acupuncture points should only be used by trained acupuncturists since they are extremely powerful and can also be very dangerous. They are however very effect in emergency situations.

Triple Heater-2 (TH-2) -Fluid Gate (Yemen)
Between the ring and little fingers, 0.5 proximal to the margin of the web
This point connects with the water element point of the Triple Heater channel and the Ying-Spring point of the Triple Heater channel.

Lung-8 (LU-8) –Channel Gutter (Jingqu)

On the inside lateral aspect of the wrist, in the depression at the base of the styloid process of the radius, 1 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist
This is a major set up point of the Lung channel (Jing-Riverpoint) and is a metal Yin element point of the Lung channel

Large Intestine-4 (LI-4) –Joining Valley (Hegu)

Location: I
n the dorsum of the hand, between the first and second metacarpal bones, at the midpoint of the second metacarpal bone on the radial side.
This is a metal yang point (Yang Ming).

Large Intestine-10 (LI-10) –Arm Three Miles (Shousanli)
On the radial side of the upper forearm, 2 cun below the radial aspect of the transverse crease of the elbow.
This poit connects to the Stomach channel and is a major set up point. This is a metal yang point (Yang Ming).

Lung-3 (LU-3) –Palace of Heaven (Taint)

On the inside lateral aspect of the upper arm, in the depression between the lateral border of the biceps brachii muscle, 6 cun directly above LU-5
This point connects to the Window of Heaven point and is a Metal, Yin (Shao Yin) point.

Heart-1 (HT-1)–Summit Spring (Jiquan)
In the depression at the center of the axilla (in the arm-pit)
This point connects to the Heart and is a Fire, Yin point (Shao Yin).

Heart-5 (HT-5) –Penetrating the Interior (Tonsil)

On the radial side of the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris, 1 cun proximal to the transverse crease of the wrist
This point connects the (Luo) point of the Heart channel with the Small Intestine channel. It is a mayor set-up point, has a Fire, Yin element,(Shao Yin), and is also called the Heavenly Star point.


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